Center of the College Guidance


This department provides the students with psychological support as it is highly important to complement the society with healthy psychological individuals. The center of the college guidanceaims to help the students in developing themselves in different manners. It also helps the students in gaining many skills that might help them in facing obstacles throughout their studying by holding conferences and lectures about psychological guidance and providing support for those who have some obstacles in the academic field as well as offering services in the psychological, academic, social and educational fields.

It also aims at guiding the students in many different aspects such as in their domestic lives and offering advice about their emotional sides.


The Center of the college guidance seeks to acquihire the students with the skills of problem solving and enabling them to figure out suitable alternatives, as well as teaching the students to think logically and having constructive discussions with others in addition to teach them to express themselves in a decent manner. It also aims to teach them the anger managements’ techniques, time management and make use of the capabilities of the students that might benefit them and their society. The Center of the college guidance does so by individualistic guidance, mass guidance, conferences, lectures and awareness intellectual posters.


The Center of the college guidance provides the students with psychological and educational services which seeks to acquihire them with the skills of problem solving and help them in understanding themselves in order to enable them to do their best. The Center of the college guidance does so by individualistic guidance, mass guidance, conferences and lectures.


  • Defining the office, its objectives, its mechanism and the number of the cases that were dealt with by the office, etc.
  • Improving the academic counselling of the academy until it suits the international standards.
  • Present the obstacles that might face the students throughout their studying and provide suitable solutions for them.
  • Present a sample of the obstacles that students have faced, as a precautious attempt to help the students to avoid them.
  • Invite students who need guidance to come over and express their problems, obstacles and opinions as well as strengthen their confidence and provide them mental support.
  • Informing the students of the university aspects in order to help them to fit in and exploring its environment.
  • Communicate with the local community by visiting schools to offer vocational guidance for the school’s students.
  • Holding educational and psychological conferences and lectures for both students and the teaching staff.

The main services of the office of the university’s guidance

  • Handling the obstacles the students face and try to solve them or soften its effects.
  • Controlling the emotions and different attitudes and express then in a decent way and reduce the violence.
  • Help the students with special needs that attend the university to accomplish the best results psychologically, socially and academically.
  • Providing the individualistic and mass counselling for the students.
  • Giving advice and support in different fields
  • Holding conferences and lectures that suit the students’ needs which aim to raise their awareness and gain information that might help them in facing any obstacle.
  • Exploring oneself and working on developing it.
  • Prepare indicative brochures and posters.
  • Showing interest in students with high academic performance to encourage their efforts and support them.
  • Support the freshmen to cope with the university’s life and overcome any obstacle they might face.
  • Holding workshops on developing oneself.
  • Holding conferences, workshops and lectures that suit the students’ interests which seek to raise their awareness and providing them with information that enable them in avoiding any obstacles they might face.

Departments that belong to this center

  • The office of guidance and psychological support
  • This office offers several services to the students through precocious, developmental and healing programs that seek to achieve a psychological and social compatibility for the student as well as increasing their productivity and their willingness in different fields.

    It also provides psychological support for students, improve their personalities and helping them in overcoming problems, such as; anxiety, depression, self-doubt, having bad experiences and difficulties in the social adaptation, and solve them in a very conventional manner.

  • The office of academic guidance
  • It aims to guide the students, raise their awareness and helping them in determining solutions for problems they face throughout their studying, such as; academic difficulties, exams anxiety, and time management that aims to guide the students to have the best results and to cope with the university’s life as well as make use of every opportunity they might have by teaching them the academic skills which would help in improving their results.